Business License Reminder

Business license reminder letters were sent out this week and should be considered invoices for your 2025 business license renewal.

Fees are $70 for businesses located permanently in the Town limits and

$120 for businesses located outside of Town limits.

These fees double with first offence of operating without a license.

Please be aware as required by Business License Bylaw 932/23, that any business operating without a valid license as of February 1st will be subject to a fine of $75.00 for the first offence and license fees double..

We encourage you to complete the necessary steps to ensure your business remains in compliance and avoid any penalties.

Thank you to our local businesses for serving and supporting our community’s growth.

No Fire Ban

August 27, 2024


The Town of Bassano has an active FIRE BAN. A Fire Ban means no fires except for approved gas or propane cooking appliances.

The Town of Bassano has an active Fire Restriction. A Fire Restriction means no fires except for approved gas or propane cooking appliances, portable fire pits or campfires in designated fire sites within approved campgrounds.

The Town of Bassano has an active Fire Advisory. A Fire Advisory means fires are allowed but public warning advising of extreme caution is issued. This level is a warning and may be upgraded to a Fire Restriction of Fire Ban if conditions do not approve. Always have water nearby and fully extinguish your fire.

The Town of Bassano has NO ACTIVE FIRE BAN.