Finance & Taxation

Interested in knowing more about property taxes, how they are calculated, how to pay them, or how to join an installment plan? Everything you need is available below.

We encourage paper-free services in Bassano. To sign up for paper-free billing or to set up automatic payments complete the Tax Account Information Form and email it to us or drop it off at the Town Office. Feel free to give us a call with any  questions at 403-641-3788.

Each year property owners receive a tax bill.

Taxes are collected for the purpose of operating the municipality to provide services such as roads, recreation, social services, building maintenance/operations, emergency services, and much more. In addition to the municipal tax levy, the town is required to collect other taxes and remit them directly to the provincial government and the seniors housing authority. The additional taxes are described as a requisition. One hundred percent (100%) of the requisition collected is remitted to the provincial government and the seniors housing authority. The municipality has no control over the requisitioned amount.

On your 2024 tax bill, you will see four separate line items:

1. A municipal levy: this covers the operating requirements for the municipality. The total municipal taxes levied this year is $1,508,428, a 2.4% increase from 2023.

2. ASFF requisition: this is the education tax levy that is paid directly to the province. The total ASFF requisition this year is $347,843.

3. Senior’s housing requisition: this is the seniors housing tax levy that is paid directly to the Newell Housing Foundation. The total seniors housing requisition this year is $12,825.

4. Police Funding Model: this tax levy was introduced in 2021 and is paid directly to the province. This tax is intended to help fund additional rural police. The total police funding model requisition for this year is $66,547.

Regardless of your age or demographic, you are responsible for paying each of the four tax levies outlined above.

2024 Tax Levy (Mill Rate)



Municipal levy only



Combined levy (Municipal, ASFF, Seniors Housing, Police Funding Model)



How Are My Taxes Calculated

Each property owners’ taxes are calculated based on the property’s assessment X by the mill rate. The total amount of taxes required to operate Bassano in 2024 is $1,508,428. The property owners’ portion of the municipal taxation is then derived from property assessment X the mill rate as shown in the example below.







Municipal mill rate:

x 10.02824

Municipal mill rate:

x 16.07987

Municipal taxes:


Municipal taxes:


Combined mill rate:

x 13.02965

Combined mill rate:

x 20.20044

 Combined taxes:


Combined taxes:


Benchmark Assessment Consultants Inc. is under contract to provide assessment services to the town. It is possible that your property assessment may increase or decrease annually as a result of sales and property characteristics, property upgrades, or a demolition. Questions regarding your property’s assessment can be directed to Ryan Vogt, Assessor at 1-800-633-9012 or The below table explains the overall assessment changes over last year 2023 Assessment is used to calculate 2024 taxes.

2023 Assessment

2022 Assessment

Change (%)

















Machinery and Equipment




Payment of Taxes

Your tax bill (property taxes) is due by July 31 annually. Payments made after the due date are subject to an 18% penalty (Bylaw 918/21). Payments can be made by cash, cheque, debit, money order, or E-Transfer. The town does not accept credit cards for property taxes. Property owners are encouraged to set up for paper-free billing.

By mail

In person

Drop box

Financial Institution (in-person, online, or by phone)

Tax Installment Payment Plan (TIPPS)

Town of Bassano P.O. Box 299 Bassano, AB T0J 0B0. 

Payments must be postmarked on or before July 31 to avoid penalty.

Bassano Town Office at 502 2nd Avenue, Bassano, AB during regular business hours (Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.)

There is a mail slot at the entrance of the Bassano Town Office 502 2nd Avenue, Bassano, AB.

Tax payment can be placed in the mail slot outside of regular business hours.

At most chartered banks, trust companies, credit unions, or via telephone or internet backing.

Please allow a minimum of 72 business hours for your payment to be processed.

Equalized monthly tax payments can be made by registering with the Town Office to participate in the TIPPS program. You must register by December 15 annually to be part of the program.

For details contact our Finance and Legislative Services Coordinator at 403-641-3788.

Late penalties are levied in accordance with the Late Payment of Taxes Bylaw 918/21
An 18% penalty is applied to unpaid current year taxes on August 1
An 18% penalty is applied to unpaid tax accounts after December 31 annually


The Government of Alberta continues to provide support under the Seniors Property Tax Deferral Program. Reach out to our FCSS Director for assistance.

No Fire Ban

August 27, 2024


The Town of Bassano has an active FIRE BAN. A Fire Ban means no fires except for approved gas or propane cooking appliances.

The Town of Bassano has an active Fire Restriction. A Fire Restriction means no fires except for approved gas or propane cooking appliances, portable fire pits or campfires in designated fire sites within approved campgrounds.

The Town of Bassano has an active Fire Advisory. A Fire Advisory means fires are allowed but public warning advising of extreme caution is issued. This level is a warning and may be upgraded to a Fire Restriction of Fire Ban if conditions do not approve. Always have water nearby and fully extinguish your fire.

The Town of Bassano has NO ACTIVE FIRE BAN.